Our life needs documenting. Our children need to be frozen in these moments that are so trying, yet so rewarding. And so I will document and freeze time for just a few moments.
We are in our new town home in Phoenix, Arizona. You just finished your first year of law school at ASU a few months back and are doing an Externship at the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). You love your job. I'm happy you're doing something worthwhile.
Scout is almost 19 months old and is sassier than ever. She has finally learned how to use the word "no" correctly. Whenever she wants a "nack" (snack) I offer her something to which she says "no" and then we move on to the next option. It's really adorable- until I've gone through all the snacks I'm willing to give her and she still says "no" which usually means a melt down will soon follow. She is also obsessed with chocolate milk thanks to Grandma Evans. She signs for milk, and when I give her a cup full of regular Vitamin D milk she always points to the cupboard above the stove and says "pease" (please). She knows my hiding spot for the Nesquik, and I usually give in (sorry!). Scout has also learned to avoid eye contact when she doesn't want to acknowledge what I'm saying to her. When I tell her to shut the cabinet when she's about to pull out all of the diapers, she usually ducks her head and continues about her (naughty) business. It really is pretty dang funny. She also likes to mock you when you tell her "no". She usually stares you straight in the face and shakes her baby pointer finger at you while saying "no, no, no". It is so hard not to laugh! I usually just end up wrapping her in my arms and kissing her sweet cheeks. She really is the best. My favorite thing that she does right now is jumping in the crib. When I go to get her up from naps she always stands up and says "mama" and then points to the alarm clock to turn off the white noise. I turn off the noise and then she throws her binky and blankets in the crib and holds on to the edge and proceeds to jump. Then laugh. Then jump some more. She thinks its the greatest thing ever. My heart explodes with joy and love as I watch her laugh and play. Our daughter is amazing. And beautiful. And the sound of her laugh brings me more joy than I ever thought possible.
Amidst the chaos of having two kids under 2- 15 months a part to be exact- it's tricky to find time for just us.You usually leave by 7:30am, and don't get home until about 6. We eat dinner, you play with the kids while I clean up, and the kids both go down at 7. We usually have those 2 hours before bed together but it never feels like enough. We typically watch a show or movie and then head to bed, but I feel like we should do more with our time. But what can you do when you have two babies sleeping upstairs? We'll have to work on that. Find something. Regardless, those two hours together are precious. A few times you have spent them getting things done and I just miss you. I crave time with you. I've become dependent on you. Not in a needy way, but in a we've-grown-together-and-become- two-parts-of-one-whole kind of way. It's weird. But I think that's how it was meant to be. Two become one. Anyway, I love you. I appreciate what you are doing in efforts to improve our family life. Thanks for being the man of my dreams.
You have my heart now and forever,
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