Wednesday, April 9, 2014


So life has been busy with me having a job and all. It's been great to be working again, but this job isn't exactly my ideal. I mean, I'm at a little Mexican restaurant making burritos and frying the tortilla chips and such. pays the bills, but isn't a confidence-booster. Ha!

Now to the story. 

Like I said, I fry the fried foods in the mornings when I first get to work. This includes loads of chips, taco shells, taco salad bowls and little crispy tortilla strips. It's a great time, let me tell you. I get all hot and sweaty over that rectangle of boiling soy bean oil.

So on Monday, I was going about my taco salad bowl frying business, when an air bubble formed in one of the tortillas and then exploded. On my wrist. Hot oil straight to the tender underside of my arm. It was so hot! And hurt so bad! Initially, I didn't want to look at my wound because I was couldn't tell exactly where the 350 degree oil blob had struck. I was slightly nervous that it was somewhere on m gloves and the glove would be melted to my hand somewhere. Yes, I know. I have a flare for the dramatic. But, seriously. I was scared. 

When I finally looked I saw it was just a big red spot on my wrist and was relieved. I kept frying even though my skin was still on fire because that day I had a particularly large load of frying to do and New Englanders are not exactly the most tender-hearted of people. So I finished my duties and when I got the chance I ran some cold water over it to help relieve some of the burning and then got on with my day. 

But, while on my break I did snap a quick picture of the initial damage to send to my dearly beloved. Just because he is  my husband and signed a marriage certificate saying he would sympathize with me :)

So for the past few days I have actually maintained my photo documentation of said burn because it was amusing and I have never had anything like this. 

**Side note: I have a weird obsession with things like this. The human body just amazes me!**

So here you have the daily progression of my oil burn:

 Just some redness.

 A more defined burn spot

Small blister formed.

Big, gross blister.

Popped. (sorry for the blur)

Crazy, huh? 
It's actually gross. 
But what can you do. Such is life. 

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